413.327.5077 (call or text)
Children: Often children as young as 6-8 years old are able to let you know if they want to be present. Some children know that they want to be present, others know they do not want to be at the house or want to be in their bedroom. Some children and adults are not 100% sure. If that is the case, we recommend they come out for the part of the process where the veterinarian explains what will happen. Then, they can be where they want to be, on their own terms. When children are involved, the veterinarian will make it clear that they have permission to be wherever it is they need/want to be. Children under the age of 4 generally do best with pre-arranged childcare. If you are unable to pre-arrange childcare, then one adult is usually “assigned” child duty. That adult would need to be prepared to go in another room with their child if needed. We have some families that put a movie on in another room and that allows the parents to be present and focus on their beloved pet. Please let us know if you have young children. The veterinarian usually has a used copy of the books, Dog Heaven, Cat Heaven and Mr. Rogers When a Pet Dies that can be left with your family. There are also Sesame Street episodes on pet loss that can be helpful. Children often prefer tangible keepsakes. The veterinarian is able to leave a lock of fur for anyone who would like one (this is a little more difficult with very short-haired dogs).
We created this book list, we highly recommend My Forever Friend by Gardner & Ellis (available on Amazon), there is a dog version and a cat version. It is ideal to get this book as far in advance as possible, checking off bucket list items (even if just the day before) can be beneficial to everyone. We have an entire webpage on our main website regarding children and pet loss.