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 Aquamation FAQ - For Veterinary Professionals




Q:  Who owns the water-based cremation (Aquamation) business?


A: Paws Finding Peace owns the water-based cremation (Aquamation) business. Paws Finding Peace is solely owned by Dr. Lauren Atkins (woman, veterinarian owned).  


Q: What is the cost of water- based cremation?


A: Our prices are listed on our website.  We hope to keep our costs the same but are aware that the cost associated with the business may increase and we may have to adjust prices if/when needed.  3/12/24:  This webpage/link is not "live" yet and is still "under construction", please do not share it at this time.


Q: How can our clients utilize your water-based cremation services?  


A: Starting out, clients will be able to bring their deceased pets to our aftercare center, in Chicopee.  Once we are up and running, we will purchase another vehicle for pick up’s - but for now our ability to pick up from the clinic will be very, very limited.  If a pet passes at home and the family is unable to come to our office (pet is too large, transportation limitations, etc.) we can arrange a home pick-up for a fee. 


Q:  How can we (as a veterinary clinic) partner with you for water-based cremation services? 


A: Our goal will never try to compete with large, corporate owned cremation services but know that many of our local clinics will still be interested in discussing partnerships.  Once we are properly staffed and have a good work flow, we will discuss possible ways to work together to best serve you and your clients.  My hope is to start these conversations in late summer/early fall 2024.    


Q:  How do I know we are getting MY pet back.  FYI: The #1 question we get from pet parents when discussing cremation.  


A:  We do have cameras in our facility if we ever need to review footage.  We are using a software program (similar to the tracking systems you might be used to) called WINGS.  Every pet is assigned a QR code which will be used to track them throughout the process.  Additionally, with aquamation, each pet has a stainless steel ID tag that stays with them throughout the process.  



We are members of the IOAPCC and follow best practices.  


We have a small staff that cares deeply about handling deceased pets as kindly as possible throughout the aftercare process and plan to hire individuals who are wholly committed to our mission.


If you have any additional questions, please email us at


This page will be frequently updated.  Last updated 3/30/24





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